Monthly Archives: February 2025

New episode of Love in the cupboard [Radio Ad]

Sponsored by KitchenAid

This ad was done in the style of radio drama’s of the 1940s for a KitchenAid stand mixer.
Abigail Fuller – Virginia
Desk – Foley
Kaine Beaumont – Advertiser, Betty Joyce, Thomas


Morra, Frank. Retro Kitchen Mixers. Accessed February 26, 2025.

The Ice Cream Booth (Live) Ziv Grinberg from Artlist: Through canva pro (Unsure on how to cite this, will edit.)

Advertisement inspiration:
Whelan, John. YouTube. Accessed February 26, 2025.

“Radio Commercials Shows : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.” Internet Archive. Accessed February 26, 2025.

Blog post 2/13/2025 [Cave Pictograph Advertisement]

When making these pictographs I had more trouble finding a 70s invention. I made one for a Taser and another for the Magic 8 ball but the sharp jagged edges of the lightning bolt didn’t feel right when designing the Taser. I couldn’t figure out a way to give a sense of foresight or prophecy for the magic 8 ball, So I pivoted and settled on a refrigerator and a Rubix cube. I wanted to make something that would appeal to someone during these times but quickly found myself trying to rely on the symbols and words that we use today. There are so many symbols that make for shorthanded ways of communicating that we don’t think about, A lightning bolt for electricity, a heart for love, and a skull for death. Each of these symbols has a meaning because of the culture and context we grew up in and when you are making an ad for someone outside that framework it makes you reimagine how you present different concepts.

Blog post 1/31/2025

I have been really enjoying the class, this is my first 400 level history course and I love the collaborative style and ability to pick where we want to focus our research and studies. Designing the projects having input on what kinds of tools we will be using and learning new technical skills. These blog posts and the timeline for example are two tools I have never used and would never think to use. However, moving forward in my career as a teacher, having these skills is extremely valuable to me. These are projects but also a way to display our different skills that can be marketable and I think that is one of the biggest takeaways from this course. I’m very excited to get into dissuasions and the meat of the “Information Age.”.