
Hi! As you may have gathered by the domain name, my name is Kaine Beaumont. I am a History and Education major getting my certification to teach History at the middle and high school levels. I am initially a transfer student from Germanna Community College.
I love to bake, watch movies, and yap, preferably in that order.

The History of the Information Age excited me because it explores more contemporary history and discusses the most life-altering change in our everyday lives: the spread of mass instantaneous information. We are a generation raised on the internet and it has been a part of our lives for as long as I can remember and it sparks many questions in me. How has the Information Age affected education? How have large tech companies gained so much control within our government and our lives? How have the profit motives of different tech companies worked to shape the American experience we all live? And how have people fought back against it?

This course is new waters for me, I was struggling between picking this course and Local history but The Information Age has so much to offer about how we live our lives today compared to countless generations of our ancestors and I’m personally excited to get into it.

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